Spring Time Renewal - Clayton Lessor
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Posted by on Mar 29, 2016 in The Quest Project | 0 comments

Spring Time Renewal

Spring Time Renewal - Clayton Lessor

Spring is one of my favorite seasons.  The days get longer and the sun shines brighter, it feels like a time of renewal.  I tend to feel more like setting expectations for myself in the Spring. 

Resolutions Are For Everyday

I have never been one to do New Years resolutions; I don’t believe you “resolve” to do something because it’s a new year.  I believe in a resolution to live in mission everyday.  But even with that said, I’d be more likely to make a great resolution in the Spring when the grass is green, and the sun is shining in the blue sky! 

“Spring Has Sprung!”

So here it is Spring time, that means the kids are on Spring Break.  What have you planned with your children?  Are you going to take a mini vacation, maybe get the garden ready for planting or do a spring project?  I can already hear many of you saying “oh right, I can never get the kids to help me with anything.”  Try approaching it as a fun time together; make it special by remembering some of the fun times you had as a kid.  Or better yet how you “wish” your parents had done things with you. 

Some of my best memories are when my parents just relaxed and were present with me and my siblings.  I didn’t grow up in a home where that was the norm so I appreciated it on the rare occasion it happened.  Once when I was 4 years old my mom just turned up the record player and we did the Hokey Pokey, it was a blast!  It was spontaneous and unexpected, yet it’s a memory all these years later that I treasure.

My Movie Review

I watched the movie “The Confirmation” last night with Clive Owen.  He was a less than perfect dad, but throughout the movie he was making the effort to do better.  It’s a “feel good” movie about the relationship between father and son; and what happens when dad realizes how important he is to his son.  If you pay close attention to the non-verbal cues and body language you see just exactly how innately a young boy looks to his father for guidance.  I covered some of this in  Modern Day Rite Of Passage.

Dad mentoring and role modeling, Mom supporting the process and son innately turning to father”

The Mom was great in the movie.  She recognized how important it was to her son to be with his dad and gave them the space to just be.  This movie won’t win any awards but it drives home what I teach parents on a regular basis in my program The Quest Project®. 

A Time For Renewal

So my message to you this Spring is to stop and think about your relationship with your sons and/or daughters.  Consider how you might have your own renewal of the relationship and incorporate more fun and more time together.  It’s okay to be spontaneous, what kid doesn’t love a surprise?  Enjoy this time, what you do now will stay with your child forever.

Share your story of a fun, spontaneous time with your son or daughter, I’d like to hear about it.

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Clayton Lessor
Clayton Lessor, PhD in education and counseling, is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice. He is author of "Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men" and “Saving Our Sons: A Parent's Guide to Preparing Boys for Success." Dr. Clay has seen over 2000 boys since 2000 and facilitated over 300 The Quest Project groups. Boys attend a 10-week "boys to men program" where they and their parents will learn the tools needed to get through these turbulent teen years. Dr. Clay is a member of the Steering Committee for The Coalition to Create a White House Council for Boys and Men.
Clayton Lessor
Clayton Lessor

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