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How can we help our boys become better men?


Helping our sons become the men they are meant to be…

There’s never been a more challenging time to be the parent, grandparent or guardian of a teenage boy.

Our young men are currently in crisis, falling far behind their female counterparts in school and in life and failing to learn the lessons they need to survive and thrive in the adult world.

The journey between childhood and adulthood is a transformational period, especially for boys. They need adventure, a sense of mission, competition, group involvement and a healthy male role model. They thrive in a safe, positive environment which offers them support and guidance.

It is becoming more difficult for parents and schools to meet these needs, and boys can easily turn to high-risk behaviors such as violence, gang involvement, unprotected sex, increased drop-out rates, or drug and alcohol abuse.

With Generation of Men-How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men,  Saving Our Sons- A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success and The Quest Project®, veteran psychotherapist Clayton Lessor, PhD, LPC is out to reverse this trend.

Interview Topics – Download

Boys continue to fall behind: Why are American boys in trouble?

Our young sons are in crisis, falling far behind their female counterparts in school and in life. They are failing to learn the lessons they need to survive and thrive in the adult world. Why? What does the research say? Single moms and parents try everything they can think of to help, yet nothing seems to be working. What do you do? Clayton Lessor explains what is at work here and what parents can do to help their sons navigate through adolescence.

Is your son in trouble, or is it typical teenage angst?

5 Ways to know for sure.

It’s tempting to ignore various warning signs, preferring to think your boy is just going through a phase, but is that the case? Is your son in trouble, or is it typical teenage behavior? Regardless of what you’ve heard, there is normal behavior and then there is behavior that is way out of bounds. Lessor shares how to tell the difference, when to interfere, what to do about it, and where to turn for help.

The statistics are shocking.

Why fatherless sons may be in big trouble. 75% of all crime in the country is committed by men who were fatherless children. If they don’t get help while they’re still boys, they will almost certainly carry their problems with them and grow into troubled men. Lessor encourages moms and others not to let daunting statistics discourage them. However, taking action is essential. He shares the five things a boy needs to grow into a healthy man.

The Impact of Absent Fathers: It’s not always because he’s physically gone from the family.

The father may be physically gone from the household, or he may be emotionally unavailable due to overwork, alcohol or drug abuse, or being overly involved in watching sports. When the father is not actively engaged with the son, there is a tremendous negative price to pay both in the household and as he matures into adulthood. What can be done to help them now? How can dads be turned around? What can moms do to help? Lessor answers these questions and provides actionable steps for dads to get the help they need.

Single moms. How can you help your sons?

There has never been a more challenging time to be a mother of a teenage boy. This is compounded for single moms. They’re trying but is it enough? Single moms are doing their best, but there are some things they simply can’t do to help young boys approaching adolescence. What mothers can (and can’t) do to help their son’s transition to manhood. Lessor shares specific tips on what to do and what not to do to help your son through this important transition.

Advice for dads:

Maybe you yourself didn’t have a dad who was engaged with you as you were growing up, for whatever reason. What does this mean for your ability to help your own son navigate adolescence? You may want to, but if you weren’t shown how to do this, then what do you do? Clayton Lessor gives tips to help dads with their young sons

Rites of passage. Are Little League and the Boy Scouts enough?

What are they and why are they essential to the development of boys? Are there any organizations that provide rites of passage, and if not, what should parents do? Clayton Lessor explains why this is an essential need in our culture and how it can be addressed and brought back.


Interview Questions – Download 

Press Kit-“Generation of Men”-Download

News Release-“Helping Middle School Boys at Risk”-Download

Press Release-“Saving Our Sons” – Download



About Clayton Lessor, PhD, LPC – Download

Clayton J. Lessor, PhD, LPC specializes in the treatment of adolescents, families, couples and individuals through workshops, groups and individual counseling. For over 20 years he has helped countless troubled teens make the transition from boyhood to adult life through The Quest Project®–A Boys to Men Experience program, which he created, developed, and facilitates. He is the author of several books including the new one, Saving Our Sons: A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success. He lives in St. Louis with his wife, Deb, and their two dogs, Pinot and Tawney. You can find more at

For a review copy or to book an interview with Clayton Lessor, contact:
Priscilla Visintine at or (314)422-5646.

Image Gallery – Click Image to Download

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Beyond Risk & Back Save Our Sons Podcast  Click Here
KTRS 550 The Quest Project® The Talk of STL Click Here
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Giving Boys What They Need Click Here
KTRS 550 Importance of Father/Son Relationship Click Here
KSDK 5 Saving Our Adolescent Sons Click Here 
FOX 2 Crisis: Boys are in Trouble Click Here 
St. Louis Magazine In Search of Manhood Click Here
Grand Magazine Is Your Grandson in Trouble Click Here
Midwest Book Review The Parenting Shelf Click Here
The Tom Roten Morning Show FL School Shooter was Perfect Storm Click Here